How to get enumerating like this :
One, Two , Three , Four ,...etc
Thank you

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\item[One] First item.
\item[Two] Second item.
\item[Three] Third item.
\item[Four] Fourth item.
You better choose the right terms to describe the problem correctly from the beginning. Thinking of enumeration, the enumerate environment is also the first that comes to my mind.QwareeqMathematics wrote:[...] In fact gmedina , I need to change the counter in chapter from arabic to words counter [One, Two , Three,...etc] [...]
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Once again. We are not talking about enumeration but about numbering. Just try the solution for spelled numbering as introduced in the thread I referred to in my last reply.QwareeqMathematics wrote:Sorry, I was thinking there is a special word to that as \Roman ,...etc. Since I can change the enumeration in chapter like [...]