Text FormattingUsing boxedminipage, but how can I put both txt and pict?

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Using boxedminipage, but how can I put both txt and pict?

Post by latexforever »


I am using the boxedminipage package. Here is a MWE of what I am trying to do.

Code: Select all

\usepackage{pst-grad} % For gradients
\usepackage{pst-plot} % For axes
%\usepackage{textcomp} % For degrees

Il faut déterminer la distance entre les points $C$ et $D$ à partir des données fournies sur la Figure \ref{fig:exempleapplictrigono}.
% Generated with LaTeXDraw 2.0.1
% Sun Apr 26 10:35:27 CEST 2009
% \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{pstricks}
% \usepackage{epsfig}
% \usepackage{pst-grad} % For gradients
% \usepackage{pst-plot} % For axes
\scalebox{1} % Change this value to rescale the drawing.
\caption{Exemple simple d'application de la Trigonométrie.}
As you can notice, it results in a ``Float(s) lost'' error. It is due to the draw. Anyway, I simply want to put both this draw and a given text in a boxedminipage environment. How can I manage to do this?

Any help would me much appreciated.
Last edited by latexforever on Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Using boxedminipage, but how can I put both txt and pict?

Post by localghost »

latexforever wrote:[…] Here is a MWE of what I am trying to do. […]
This is not an MWE because it contains packages and lines of code which are completely irrelevant for the problem.

It's enough to swap the figure and the boxedminipage environment.

Code: Select all

    % figure contents
Though it works, I think the framed package is the better alternative.

The code for the figure could be cropped considerably if it is directly drawn with pstricks. Its capabilities are nowhere near good supported by LaTeXDraw.

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Re: Using boxedminipage, but how can I put both txt and pict?

Post by latexforever »

Thanks. It worked. I gave such a NMWE because I was not able to find where my error was coming from.
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Using boxedminipage, but how can I put both txt and pict?

Post by localghost »

latexforever wrote:[…] I gave such a NMWE because I was not able to find where my error was coming from.
If you know the purpose of certain packages, you can estimate which of them are unnecessary.

Code: Select all


      Il faut déterminer la distance entre les points $C$ et $D$ à partir des données fournies sur la Figure \ref{fig:exempleapplictrigono}.

        \uput[dl](0;0){A} \psline(10;0) \psline(7.33;60) \psline(8.67;30)
        \uput[dr](10;0){B} \psline[origin={10;0}](5;120) \psline[origin={10;0}](8.96;135)
        \uput[ur](8.67;30){C} \uput[u](7.33;60){D}
        \psarc(0;0){1}{0}{30} \psarc(0;0){2}{0}{60}
        \psarc(10;0){1}{135}{180} \psarc(10;0){2}{120}{180}
        \rput(1.3;15){\footnotesize 30\textdegree} \rput(2.3;45){\footnotesize 60\textdegree}
        \psset{labelsep=1cm} \uput[157.5](10;0){\footnotesize 45\textdegree}
        \psset{labelsep=2cm} \uput[150](10;0){\footnotesize 60\textdegree}
      \caption{Exemple simple d'application de la Trigonométrie.}\label{fig:exempleapplictrigono}
I think the pstricks code still can be done more elegant.
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Using boxedminipage, but how can I put both txt and pict?

Post by latexforever »

localghost wrote:
latexforever wrote: I think the pstricks code still can be done more elegant.
I do agree with you, but I do not know PsTricks at the moment. It would be clearly better, and the difference would be significant.

Anyway, whatever the method, as I have redefined a example environment, I have a problem when putting this between \begin{exemple}\end{exemple} instructions. What can I do? The ``example title'' (as it would be for ``Definition'') is in the bottom of the picture.

Do you have any idea about this? Thanks.
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