Page LayoutSpine margin not alternating sides in memoir layout

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Spine margin not alternating sides in memoir layout

Post by ryan408 »

First post here, go easy on me. :)

I'm trying to lay out a book using the memoir class. The problem I'm having is that even though I'm using the twoside option my margins don't flip flop sides for recto and verso pages. The wider margin that I want for the spine always stays on the left while the page numbers and header flip flop like they should.

Here's the sample code I'm using to test out my margin setup.

Does anyone see anything I'm doing wrong?

Code: Select all


\usepackage{lipsum} % dummy text





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Spine margin not alternating sides in memoir layout

Post by Lucia »

Hello ryan408.

I've been studying the memoir manual for the last few days, but I haven't yet produced any document using this class. However, I did try your example and suggest this: use the command \checkandfixthelayout after the \setlength{\evensidemargin}{\oddsidemargin} command. This did change the margins for me. If this is not the proper solution for your problem, maybe someone will guide us to the right one.

Hope this helps,
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