Text FormattingUsing listings, but text goes too far

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Using listings, but text goes too far

Post by latexforever »


I'm using the listings package to put a C code in my document. (it comes from Wikipedia).

Here is what I did:

Code: Select all

    \lstset{language=C, basicstyle=\small, keywordstyle=\bfseries, commentstyle=\itshape, keywords={CORDIC}, emph={for}, emphstyle=\bfseries, numbers=left, stringstyle=\ttfamily, showstringspaces=false, stepnumber=2, numbersep=5pt, showspaces=false, showtabs=false, backgroundcolor=\color{white}}

\begin{lstlisting}[caption={CORDIC},caption=Un exemple de l'algorithme CORDIC implémenté en C,frame=single,title={Un exemple de l'algorithme CORDIC implémenté en C.}]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
    long nb_iter; // Nombre d'itérations
    double K = 0.6073; // Valeur de K
    double x = 1, y = 0; // Valeur approchante de cos(beta) et sin(beta)
    int i; // Compteur de boucle
    double x_Nouveau; // Variable temporaire
    double beta = 0; // Angle à chercher
    printf("Calcul par la methode CORDIC de sinus : \n\n\n Veuillez entrer beta\n");
    scanf("%lf",&beta); // entrer la valeur de beta
    printf("Veuillez entrer le nombre d'iterations voulues\n");
    scanf("%ld",&nb_iter); // Entrer le nombre d'itération
    for(i = 0; i < nb_iter; i++) {
         // Si beta<0 rotation dans le sens trigo
         if(beta < 0) {
            x_Nouveau = x + (y*pow(2,-i));
            y -= (x*pow(2,-i));
            beta += atan(pow(2,-i));
         // sinon sans l'autre sens
         else {
            x_Nouveau = x - (y*pow(2,-i));
            y += (x*pow(2,-i));
            beta -= atan(pow(2,-i));
         x = x_Nouveau;
    x *= K;
    y *= K;
    printf("cos(beta) = %lf , sin(beta) = %lf \n", x,y); // Affichage du résultat

Anyway, the border is overlapping with the caption, and ``Veuillez entrer beta\n'' is overlapping with the border. It is a little bit ugly, and I do not always want to make a carriage return to display 4 letters of more.

What can I do to solve these problems?

Last edited by latexforever on Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Using listings, but text goes too far

Post by localghost »

I can't see the problem. The following example works fine for me.

Code: Select all




  caption={[CORDIC]Un exemple de l'algorithme CORDIC implémenté en C},
  title={Un exemple de l'algorithme CORDIC implémenté en C.}
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
    long nb_iter; // Nombre d'itérations
    double K = 0.6073; // Valeur de K
    double x = 1, y = 0; // Valeur approchante de cos(beta) et sin(beta)
    int i; // Compteur de boucle
    double x_Nouveau; // Variable temporaire
    double beta = 0; // Angle à chercher

    printf("Calcul par la methode CORDIC de sinus : \n\n\n Veuillez entrer beta\n");
    scanf("%lf",β); // entrer la valeur de beta

    printf("Veuillez entrer le nombre d'iterations voulues\n");
    scanf("%ld",&nb_iter); // Entrer le nombre d'itération

    for(i = 0; i < nb_iter; i++) {
         // Si beta<0 rotation dans le sens trigo
         if(beta < 0) {
            x_Nouveau = x + (y*pow(2,-i));
            y -= (x*pow(2,-i));
            beta += atan(pow(2,-i));
         // sinon sans l'autre sens
         else {
            x_Nouveau = x - (y*pow(2,-i));
            y += (x*pow(2,-i));
            beta -= atan(pow(2,-i));
         x = x_Nouveau;

    x *= K;
    y *= K;

    printf("cos(beta) = %lf , sin(beta) = %lf \n", x,y); // Affichage du résultat

Seems to be only a matter of the type area. Perhaps studying Section 4.10 (Margins and line shape, p. 33f) of the listings manual will be helpful.

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Using listings, but text goes too far

Post by latexforever »

Thanks. But the problem comes when I use (modifying your MWE):

Code: Select all




      caption={[CORDIC]Un exemple de l'algorithme CORDIC implémenté en C},
      title={Un exemple de l'algorithme CORDIC implémenté en C.}
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <math.h>

    int main()
        long nb_iter; // Nombre d'itérations
        double K = 0.6073; // Valeur de K
        double x = 1, y = 0; // Valeur approchante de cos(beta) et sin(beta)
        int i; // Compteur de boucle
        double x_Nouveau; // Variable temporaire
        double beta = 0; // Angle à chercher

        printf("Calcul par la methode CORDIC de sinus : \n\n\n Veuillez entrer beta\n");
        scanf("%lf",?); // entrer la valeur de beta

        printf("Veuillez entrer le nombre d'iterations voulues\n");
        scanf("%ld",&nb_iter); // Entrer le nombre d'itération

        for(i = 0; i < nb_iter; i++) {
             // Si beta<0 rotation dans le sens trigo
             if(beta < 0) {
                x_Nouveau = x + (y*pow(2,-i));
                y -= (x*pow(2,-i));
                beta += atan(pow(2,-i));
             // sinon sans l'autre sens
             else {
                x_Nouveau = x - (y*pow(2,-i));
                y += (x*pow(2,-i));
                beta -= atan(pow(2,-i));
             x = x_Nouveau;

        x *= K;
        y *= K;

        printf("cos(beta) = %lf , sin(beta) = %lf \n", x,y); // Affichage du résultat

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Re: Using listings, but text goes too far

Post by localghost »

You obviously didn't follow the advice in my last reply concerning the manual.
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Using listings, but text goes too far

Post by latexforever »

localghost wrote:You obviously didn't follow the advice in my last reply concerning the manual.
I think there is a misunderstanding: I have read it, and it now works (e.g. by setting

Code: Select all

), but I would like to know why it does not work when removing the lines I removed, from your MWE.

Thanks for everything.
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Using listings, but text goes too far

Post by localghost »

The bera font package provides a narrower mono spaced type face than the standard EC fonts.
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Re: Using listings, but text goes too far

Post by latexforever »

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