I'm trying to to find a way to type the cursive variant of the Greek lowercase beta (Unicode character U+03D0). So far, I haven't found any way to do so, and have just been defining this character as a normal beta.
The only place that talks about implementing at all gives it as ";b" accent, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get it to work (it still gives me a normal beta instead, just with an accent). If anyone has a working example of it, or any other way to reproduce this character correctly, that would be splendid.
Code: Select all
% TODO: Get curled beta to work correctly.
\gr{ἀμοιϐαδὸν} (w/curled beta)\\
\gr{ἀμοιβαδὸν} (w/normal beta)
(P.S. I'm using MiKTeX 2.7, if it matters.)