MiKTeX and proTeXtOuktput Profile Problem

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Ouktput Profile Problem

Post by GeorgeLeCompte »

I have fouled up my Output Profiles. None of them seems to work. I need help on reconstructing Output Files. I've tried the Wizard with no success.

(running latex and pdfllatex on the source file each produce and expected pdf file)

For some reason I can't copy form the output window. It reads roughly:
----------------------Output Profile: Latex => PDF-----------------

Program Files\MikTeX 2.6\miktex\bin\pdflatex.exe Cannot execute the command. Error: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

Code: Select all

%% Based on a TeXnicCenter-Template by Tino Weinkauf.%
	\pdffalse              %%normal LaTeX is executed
	\pdftrue               %%pdfLaTeX is executed

	%\usepackage{ae}       %%Use only just one of these packages:
	%\usepackage{zefonts}  %%depends on your installation.
	%%Normal LaTeX - no special packages for fonts required

%% Packages for Graphics & Figures %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\ifpdf %%Inclusion of graphics via \includegraphics{file}
	\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} %%graphics in pdfLaTeX
	\usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} %%graphics and normal LaTeX

\pagestyle{empty} %No headings for the first pages.
\title{Title of this document}
\author{Firstname Lastname}
%\date{} %%If commented, the current date is used.
\chapter{The Chapter}



Recommended reading 2024:

LaTeXguide.org • LaTeX-Cookbook.net • TikZ.org
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Joined: Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:11 am

Re: Ouktput Profile Problem

Post by Andy22 »

The error "...exe is not a valid Win32 application" can occur if the exe-file is broken (maybe due to a failed update)

you should run "Program Files\MikTeX 2.6\miktex\bin\pdflatex.exe" by hand (double-click in explorer). There should be a window with "This is PdfTeX, version 3.1415...". If the not a valid Win32 application error appears then your exe ist broken and you should replace it (Update MiKTeX or in the worst case a new installation)
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Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:30 am

Re: Ouktput Profile Problem

Post by Telbar »

I'm having the same problem.

I'm using Texniccenter and MiKTeX2.6

I get an error saying: "pdflatex.exe cannot execute the comand. Not a valid Win32 application".

I've opened pdflatex.exe as you suggested, and I was not getting the "not a valid Win32 application"-error.

All was working a few days ago, dunno what happened :|
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