GeneralDoubleclick in dvi to jump to the passage in tex-file

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Doubleclick in dvi to jump to the passage in tex-file

Post by uwe »

What do I have to do to enable the feature mentioned in the subject? It once worked, but now it doesn't.
Does this only work for the dvi or even for the ps/pdf?

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Doubleclick in dvi to jump to the passage in tex-file

Post by localghost »

The feature you are looking for is called Inverse DVI Search. You can find it after starting YaP in the View menu under Options. Check whether TeXnicCenter is detected by YaP. If not, generate a new item and give the following command line.

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\TeXnicCenter\TEXCNTR.EXE /ddecmd "[goto('%f', '%l')]"
But you can not use this feature without instructing the LaTeX compiler to insert so called source specials into the DVI code. You can achieve that by calling the LaTeX compiler with the right parameters. TeXnicCenter usually calls the compiler with the following default parameters.

Code: Select all

--src -interaction=nonstopmode -max-print-line=120 "%Wm"
Check these settings in all your build profiles (Alt+F7) except "LaTeX => PDF" and add --src as a minimum to the command line of the LateX compiler if necessary.
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Re: Doubleclick in dvi to jump to the passage in tex-file

Post by uwe »

Hey, that works.
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