Text Formatting'Acronyms' in table of contents

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'Acronyms' in table of contents

Post by langston112 »


i am currently working on my thesis. i want to include a list of acronyms, thus i am using the acronym package. After the commands \listoffigures and \listoftables i use the following code for the list of acronyms

Code: Select all

	\acro{PCB}{printed circuit board}
this is actually working fine except of one little thing: "Acronyms" does not appear in the table of contents. This is because of the asterisk *, but i don't want it to be chapter 1, of course.
is there a work around for this situation?

regards, martin

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'Acronyms' in table of contents

Post by gmedina »


try something like

Code: Select all

Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:32 pm

Re: 'Acronyms' in table of contents

Post by langston112 »

exactly, thanks a lot!
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