I'm a new user of the TexShop. I installed JabRef for creating my bibliography file.
I put .bib file to the same folder, where my latex file is.
I cited the articles using the expression: \cite{key}
Then I:
1. typeset Latex,
2. typeset bibtex,
3. typeset latex twice.
During all steps 1-3 I see no error messages.
In pdf file created I see citation numbers. However, the citations are numerated VERY strangely! First citation is #12. The way the compiler gives them numbers seems to be quite random.
I'm writing a research proposal and have to follow certain rules of numerating citations.
How can I fix that??
p.s: Header of my latex file here:
Code: Select all
\usepackage{setspace, cite, graphicx}
\usepackage{fullpage, setspace,color}
\title{Research Proposal}
%\pagestyle {myheadings}
Code: Select all