Fonts & Character SetsCan I use Junicode with LaTeX?

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Can I use Junicode with LaTeX?

Post by JJJ »

OK, I've spent only a day trying to figure out LaTeX (actually mostly using Lyx), so consider me a total n00b. I am using it on Ubuntu Intrepid.

I need to use Junicode for a project. Junicode is a free OSS truetype font (Sourceforge), and the source code is available as well. But I have no idea how to get Lyx or LaTeX to see it.

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Can I use Junicode with LaTeX?

Post by phi »


the easiest way to use external ("non-standard") fonts in LaTeX is to use XeTeX. Try compiling with xelatex while including the fontspec package.
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Re: Can I use Junicode with LaTeX?

Post by JJJ »

Thanks for the response. I think I have XeTeX installed - that is, I searched in Synaptic on my Ubuntu computer for "xetex" and installed everything that came up. When I opened Lyx I got an instruction page for XeTeX, but it was written for someone who knows a lot more than I do.

For example, it says "Just use the utf8-plain encoding in Document->Settings"\," but I can't find any such setting.

It also says "LyX can be used with XeTeX. Use File->Export->LaTeX(pdflatex) to get a .tex file. Then process this .tex file manually with xelatex," but I couldn't get the right output. I think the problem is that I didn't use the right syntax in the Lyx document.

What I did was insert a box, then inside the box I put \fontspec{Junicode}Some Text
The PDF is fine except that "Some Text" is not in Junicode. There were no error messages, it just didn't work.
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