teddy0625 wrote:[...] I want to align all my equations right in the middle as in standard textbooks. All of the equations are always automatically left aligned and I do not know how to change that. [...]
Check the option list for the document class or the
amsmath package for the
fleqn option and remove it. Posting almost the same request two times is not necessary [1]. An answer has already been given there.
teddy0625 wrote:[...] And what is the difference between \begin{align} and \begin{eqnarray}?
Differences and very good reasons against the
eqnarray environment are given in a paper [2]. There you will find all necessary information.
You should use the
align environment in the right way.
Code: Select all
then general form of Euler equation can be defined as
\rho\bigg(\frac{\partial}{\partial t}+\mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla\bigg \mathbf{u}+\nabla p&=0, \\
Note the position of the ampersand ("&") as alignment character.
[1] View topic:
equations alignment
PracTeX Journal - Lars Madsen: Avoid eqnarray!
Best regards