OthersLaTeXiT and Equation numbering

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LaTeXiT and Equation numbering

Post by bob000 »

I'm using LaTeXiT to create equations for pasting into a webpage that I'm building. I'd like to add equation numbers lined up with the right margin of my page, but the webpage design software that I'm using, iWeb, doesn't have the provision to do this without a tremendous amount of additional work.

So, I was wondering if LaTeXiT is capable of adding a trailing equation number preferably somewhere off to the right of the equation.


(BTW, equations from LaTeXiT drag and drop beautifully into iWeb. It's just too bad that iWeb has such limited text formatting and alignment.)

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Re: LaTeXiT and Equation numbering

Post by bob000 »

I think I've solved my problem. I used the following format:

\begin{tabular}{l p{3.0in} r}
& $<my_equation>$ & {\footnotesize (<my_eqno>)}

This allows 3 inches for the equation, left aligned, and then the equation number right aligned at the edge of the field.
I needed to include the p{3.0in} in the tabular format, because it appears that Latexit has no other way of knowing where to position left and right margins. It seems to ignore format commands like \setlength{\textwidth}{6.5in}, and the margin commands.
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