GeneralHow many files are there?

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How many files are there?

Post by pooja »

I'm using TexnicCenter.
When I press "Build" various files are generated.
there's a DVI file, a PDF, a PS, a .txt file. then there is a .AUX file, a .TOC and a .bbl file.
What are they and why is my computer unable to read them? I mean, their icons are those of a generic unknown application. Why is it?
Is it possible that 7 files are generated in order to write a simple 1 or 2 pge document?
On this aspect, I must say, normal word processors are better. Isn't it?

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How many files are there?

Post by davehartley »

Hi there!

I guess you haven't done much reading about LaTeX. May I suggest downloading and reading The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e (do a Google search for lshort.pdf). This may do a much better job than I can do of answering your questions!

Very quickly, the .aux, .toc and .bbl files are LaTeX files for keeping track of references, table of contents, bibliographies ... that sort of thing. The .dvi is a DeVice Independant file, which (for my system, at least!) can be viewed with the software that was installed when you installed MiKTeX. The PS is a PostScript file (suitable for sending to PostScript printers), and the PDF is a Portable Document File (should be able to be read by any pdf reader -- I use FoxitReader myself). When I use TeXnicCentre, I use the "LaTeX => PDF" profile so I get PDFs produced.

I guess your statement, "normal word processors are better" depends on your point of view ... if you appreciate beautiful typesetting and well-laid out documents with a great referencing system ... then no, they're not :D
LaTeX user since 1988 ... with a 15 year gap until I discovered MiKTeX in 2006!
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How many files are there?

Post by pooja »

davehartley wrote: Hi there!

May I suggest downloading and reading The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e (do a Google search for lshort.pdf)...

Very quickly, the .aux, .toc and .bbl files are LaTeX files for keeping track of references, table of contents, bibliographies ... that sort of thing. The .dvi is a DeVice Independant file, which (for my system, at least!) can be viewed with the software that was installed when you installed MiKTeX. The PS is a PostScript file (suitable for sending to PostScript printers), and the PDF is a Portable Document File (should be able to be read by any pdf reader -- I use FoxitReader myself). When I use TeXnicCentre, I use the "LaTeX => PDF" profile so I get PDFs produced.

I guess your statement, "normal word processors are better" depends on your point of view ... if you appreciate beautiful typesetting and well-laid out documents with a great referencing system ... then no, they're not :D

I just downloaded that guide & I'm gonna read it.
Secondly, you're confirming that TeXnicCenter DOES create 7 files just to generate a pdf file, right? I was worried that I'd messed up some configuration and that's why all these files were coming up. Anyway, I prefer the pdf output.
And finally, for the past 2-3 days I've been trying out this new thing called LaTeX and you know what? I'm starting to understand it and I like it! ;)
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