TeX Live and MacTeXTeX Live Utility problem: "Listing Failed" error

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TeX Live Utility problem: "Listing Failed" error

Post by mtnbkr »

I just installed TeX Live 2008 and the Tex Live Utility on my Macbook Pro (OS X 10.5.6).

I use TeX Shop and have compiled tex files without any problems, but I need some packages that I apparently weren't installed (e.g., simplemargins, and winfonts) so I went to my TeX Live Utility. As soon as I open it I get a "Listing Failed" message where I would expect my list of packages (I get the same thing on the manage updates tab). In the list of commands that is at the bottom it says:

Code: Select all

Refreshing list of all packages ...
termination status of task /usr/texbin/tlmgr was 2
And that's it ... can't view packages, can't add, update ... nothin'.

Anyone know how I can fix this?

Is there a work around that I can do in the meantime to manually install packages? I have the packages downloaded but I can't use them unless they are in the same folder as the current file that I'm working on ... that's a pain.

Recommended reading 2024:

LaTeXguide.org • LaTeX-Cookbook.net • TikZ.org
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