Fonts & Character SetsChanging the font name of captions

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Changing the font name of captions

Post by simeon.mattes »

Hi everybody,

I want to change the font of the captions to helvetica. I have found that \DeclareCaptionFormat can do this. Though, I have a little problem. The language I write the text is Greek and I get an error.

Code: Select all

\usepackage{lipsum}%just to generate some text




  \caption{{\selectlanguage{greek} Αυτό είναι μί απικεφαλίδα}}


And the error is:

Code: Select all

./test.tex:17:Font LGR/phv/m/n/9=grar9 at 9.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found. ...� είναι μί απικεφαλίδα}}
Could anyone help me?

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