Hi, I'm using TexShop on Mac Os X Tiger.
Few months ago I upgraded to TexLive 2008 (I guess from Texlive 2007), and some thing happened after that.
The symptom is: when I typeset, the scroll of the preview window is reset to the top of the current page. (this is really annoying!)
It never happened before I installed TexLive2008, but now it's like it (I didn't change any setting from TexShop). I searched for this issue a little on google, and it seems that this issue is something that they already fixed some versions ago.
Well I have another mac with Mac Os X Leopard, and I installed TexLive 2008 on it, too, but this issue doesn't occur there. So this might be something like compatibility problem with Tiger???
Some info:
TexShop ver : 2.18-svn (2.18) (I updated today)
Max OS X ver : 10.4.11
and TexLive 2008
well, as for preference settings in TexShop, I don't think it helps to say what my settings are, because I tried all kinds of possibilities (with quitting and re-launching TexShop each time, of course), but nothing worked.
Actually if I set the display mode to "single page", it seems there's no problem. But I'd like to use "multipage" mode....
Thanks guys!