I've just managed to get MiKTeX 2.8 beta installed on Ubuntu 8.10, but when MiKTeX installs packages, it puts them in ~/.miktex. Kile 2.0.1 isn't looking there for packages. I don't know where it looks, and I can't see an option in the settings to tell it where to look. I also looked at the documentation online, but couldn't find anything useful.
I'd much appreciate it if anyone can tell me how I can resolve this.
Kile ⇒ Kile/Ubuntu/MiKTeX configuration
- Posts: 707
- Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:02 pm
Kile/Ubuntu/MiKTeX configuration
I don't run Ubuntu OR Kile, but I suspect there's a TeX distribution included with it (i.e., you don't really need to install MikTeX). It might come with teTeX or TeXLIVE, for example.
However, I suspect the real reason it isn't finding anything is is because the install directory containing the executables (tex, latex, pdftex, etc.) is not in your PATH variable. You can test this by typing "tex" at the shell; if it gives an error, follow the instructions below. If something runs, then it's another problem, and I apologize for not being helpful....
First, find out which shell you are using: type
at the shell, and remember what it says under "COMMAND."
Now let's say the MikTeX executables are installed to ~/.miktex/texmf/bin. If the shell you're running is bash, then add add a line like
to ~/.bashrc. If the shell you're running is zsh, add the same line to your ~/.zshrc. If it's ksh, add it to ~/.kshrc.
If you're running csh or tcsh, add
to ~/.cshrc.
Now start a new shell and type "tex." You should no longer get the error message. If this was the problem, Kile should now find the executables as well.
I hope that helps~
However, I suspect the real reason it isn't finding anything is is because the install directory containing the executables (tex, latex, pdftex, etc.) is not in your PATH variable. You can test this by typing "tex" at the shell; if it gives an error, follow the instructions below. If something runs, then it's another problem, and I apologize for not being helpful....
First, find out which shell you are using: type
Code: Select all
ps $$
Now let's say the MikTeX executables are installed to ~/.miktex/texmf/bin. If the shell you're running is bash, then add add a line like
Code: Select all
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.miktex/texmf/bin"
If you're running csh or tcsh, add
Code: Select all
setenv PATH "$PATH:$HOME/.miktex/texmf/bin"
Now start a new shell and type "tex." You should no longer get the error message. If this was the problem, Kile should now find the executables as well.
I hope that helps~
- Posts: 55
- Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:12 pm
Re: Kile/Ubuntu/MiKTeX configuration
Hi kaiserkarl, thanks for taking the time to reply.
MiKTeX on Windows does include a distribution of LateX, but it also has a package manager (mpm), which automatically downloads and installs package xyz, if it's not already installed, when you include \usepackage{xyz} in your preamble. The package manager has been ported to Linux, and, new in MiKTeX 2.8 (beta), the GUI, which was previously only available on Windows.
I believe I have TeXLIVE installed (although I haven't really got the faintest idea - it's just whatever came with Ubuntu 8.10), so when I type "tex" at the shell, it tells me "This is TeX, blah blah".
I wonder, though, if there might be something in the PATH stuff you mention... I shall have an investigation.
MiKTeX on Windows does include a distribution of LateX, but it also has a package manager (mpm), which automatically downloads and installs package xyz, if it's not already installed, when you include \usepackage{xyz} in your preamble. The package manager has been ported to Linux, and, new in MiKTeX 2.8 (beta), the GUI, which was previously only available on Windows.
I believe I have TeXLIVE installed (although I haven't really got the faintest idea - it's just whatever came with Ubuntu 8.10), so when I type "tex" at the shell, it tells me "This is TeX, blah blah".
I wonder, though, if there might be something in the PATH stuff you mention... I shall have an investigation.
Re: Kile/Ubuntu/MiKTeX configuration
Hi Pandammonium,
I hope you succeeded to solve your problem.
Anyway, I describe what I did:
1) I, first installed texlive+kile,
2) I downloaded all scripts from CTAN and saved in a temp folder
3) I renamed sudo mv /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex.old/
4) I copied all the scripts: sudo cp -rv /tmpfolder/ /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/
5) sudo mktexlsr /usr/share/texmf/ /var/lib/texmf usr/share/texmf-texlive
6) updmap-sys
The scripts are in /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/.
The last two steps make Kile to 'view' the scripts.
I'm a new linus user, so perhaps there is a easier way for the steps 3-4.
I hope you succeeded to solve your problem.
Anyway, I describe what I did:
1) I, first installed texlive+kile,
2) I downloaded all scripts from CTAN and saved in a temp folder
3) I renamed sudo mv /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex.old/
4) I copied all the scripts: sudo cp -rv /tmpfolder/ /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/
5) sudo mktexlsr /usr/share/texmf/ /var/lib/texmf usr/share/texmf-texlive
6) updmap-sys
The scripts are in /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/.
The last two steps make Kile to 'view' the scripts.
I'm a new linus user, so perhaps there is a easier way for the steps 3-4.
Window + MiKTeX 2.7
Ubuntu + TexLive + Kile
Xandros (eeePC) + TeTex + TexMaker
Ubuntu + TexLive + Kile
Xandros (eeePC) + TeTex + TexMaker