Okay, disclaimers aside: I use the 'beamer' document class/package occasionally for presentations, and the last time I did so (6-8 months ago), it worked fine. I updated it just last night and am working on a new presentation and have hit a really annoying snag in a set of errors and weird output.
I'm running a very basic test document just to show the issue;
Code: Select all
When compiled, I get a set of 15 errors and 4 warnings. The errors are pretty much all variations on the following:
! Undefined control sequence
1.17 \pgfdeclareimage
[ width=14pt,height=12pt ]{beamericonbook}{beamericonbook}
! LaTeX error: Missing \begin{document}.
Most of the errors are regarding \pgfdeclareimage and \pgfaliasimage
The warnings are one warning that pgf is obsolete and no longer needed on input line 13, a hyperref warning that option 'pdfpagelabels' is turned off, a font warning that Font shape 'OT1/cmss/m/n' in size <4> is not available, and something about size substitutions. There's also some bad boxes listed.
If it were just a bunch of errors with no output problems, I'd just ignore it, but as it is the first slide of my presentation prints out to be a whole bunch of lines of code about beamericonbook, like 'beamericonbook.!20opaquebeamericonbookshaded' and over and over again with different number values. Also some width/height declarations thrown in. Subsequent slides are fine, but the title slide is all mucked up.
I'm sorry if this is a silly and basic issue: I do my best with computers but find myself often hopelessly lost when it comes to troubleshooting, and I've had nothing but trouble trying to get LaTeX to do anything beyond make my equations. Any help you could give would be wonderful.