I use TeXShop 2.18 to write LaTex on my mac system. But I have the following issue in typesetting and am clueless how to solve it!
I have no problem in searching from "preview" to the "source" ( : hold down the command key while clicking at a spot in the Preview window. The source window will become active and the corresponding TeX input commands will be highlighted in yellow). But I can NOT always do the opposite. The issue is that my main source file has a lot of \input sub-sections. If I command+click on a text which is in the "main" text of the original "source file" I CAN see it in the preview (corresponding spot will be circled in red in the preview). But if I select a text that is in one of the sub-section input source files, nothing is selected in the preview! (just rarely some random location in the preview would be selected)
This is a major problem since my document is very large and therefore almost all of my text is in sub-section input files.
I greatly appreciate your help on this!
*** More info about my TeXShop preferences:
Typesetting Default Command: LaTex
Typesetting Default Script: Tex+Ghostscript
Sync Method: Sync Tex
TeXShop ⇒ TeXShop problems with Forward Search (in Typesetting)
Re: TeXShop problems with Forward Search (in Typesetting)
Did you ever solve this, nfarnoud? I have exactly the same issue currently with a large thesis document, using TexShop 3.23 in Mountain Lion. Would love to hear how to fix it!
TeXShop problems with Forward Search (in Typesetting)
In case others have this problem as well: I found the answer in the (excellent) "TexShop Tips and Tricks" document which you can access through the help menu. Saved!
Pasting the text below:
Pasting the text below:
2.4 Working with a Large Document
It is often handy to break a large document into more manageable subordinate parts and then create a “root” file which contains the preamble and \include commands to bring all the parts together for typesetting.
To have TEXShop “know” which file to typeset when working on a subordinate file put the lineat the top of your subordinate file; path/to/rootfile.tex is the relative or absolute path to the root file for this document. Once this is done TEXShop will typeset the root file if you press Type- set → Typeset (Cmd-T) even though you are editing a subordinate file and properly synchronize between the Source and pdf. E.g., if the root file is called mygreatbook.tex and the chapter files, chapter1.tex, etc., are in a chapters sub-folder below the root file then place the lineCode: Select all
% !TEX root = path/to/rootfile.tex
at the top of each of the chapter files. The ../ means go up one folder level to find the root file.Code: Select all
% !TEX root = ../mygreatbook.tex