I'm fond of Edward Tufte's style of citations, which appear in a marginpar to the right of the citation on the same page, rather than in a bibliography at the end (see http://www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/books_vdqi).
Is there a way of getting the \cite command to create a \marginpar instead of a bibliography entry when used, rather than me having to manually copy bibtex output in to marginpars once the document is stable?
My instinct would be to copy the part of the bibtex source code that creates entries and replace \cite with it, using \marginpar, but I'm relatively new to TeX and wouldn't know where to start.
Thanks in advance,
Edit: Don't know how I managed to miss it, but apparently there's a tufte-latex package, which, although making a few too many changes to my style for my liking, hints at the use of bibentry, which I'll take a look at.