Page LayoutFancyhdr Header with images

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Fancyhdr Header with images

Post by osbacan »

Hi all,

I want to make a document with a header using Fancyhdr in latex.

I want to insert two images one in the left of the header the other on the right.

Both images have the same size imagine (2 cm high 3 long).

The middle of the header would be a text. I want to create the header color black and the letters I´ll writte will be white to contrast.

Can anyone tell me guide with the code.

Thanks for all in advance.

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Fancyhdr Header with images

Post by localghost »

See the fancyhdr manual (Section 20 - A movie, p. 19) for an example with code. Adapt the sample code to your needs.

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Re: Fancyhdr Header with images

Post by osbacan »

Sorry for the reply but I have tried to use rhead with images but only appears a part of the image. Can anyone help only a bit telling me the code I know thar it is not so difficult but I can´t find the solution...and I´m going crazy.

Thanks in advance¡¡¡¡
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Fancyhdr Header with images

Post by Lucia »

Hi osbacan.

Follow the sugestion that localghost gave you. By reading the fancyhdr manual, you'll see that you need another package, graphicx. The purpose of this package is to manipulate images. So, you use it to scale, rotate or even give a different angle to your image. Reading both manuals will help you to create the code you need. For your information, I also have in my .tex file a header with an image (but not with a different colour background). My code is:

Code: Select all


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