Fonts & Character Sets\mathcal together with \usepackage{mathptmx}

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\mathcal together with \usepackage{mathptmx}

Post by johnsap »


I am using svmult.cls and trying to reproduce standard \mathcal formatting for letters. However, it gives me diffefent from standard - more italic letters, which I do not like. I understand that probably it was done with purpose - but i still would like to use calssical calligrafic font for my formulas.

I realized that line \usepackage{mathptmx} makes the difference. But I do not want to delete it since it is a standard template.
Having this package included, I realized that line \usepackage[mathcal]{euscript}
can give me letters wwhich are closer to standard but still different.

So my question is how can I get standard \mathcal formatting together with \usepackage{mathptmx} ?

What is a default font style used in classical calligrafic math ?
i imagine I will put smth like \usepackage[mathcal]{"default classic calligrafic font"}

One of the solutions I found is to introduce the command:

It seems that this gives classic calligrafic letters but they are not bold/semi-bold as by default.

However I do not understand what it does and whether it is safe to use it.

Thanks a lot for your help and advice !

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Re: \mathcal together with \usepackage{mathptmx}

Post by phi »

The \DeclareMathAlphabet command that you found is totally OK, it uses roughly the same way that LaTeX uses to define its standard calligraphic font. So if you like the results, feel free to use it. To learn more about font definition commands like \DeclareMathAlphabet, read the standard documentation file fntguide.pdf.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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\mathcal together with \usepackage{mathptmx}

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

johnsap wrote:

Code: Select all

It seems that this gives classic calligrafic letters but they are not bold/semi-bold as by default.
Here b could be used instead of m to get bold symbols by default:

Code: Select all

Stefan admin
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