Page Layout"Section 1" instead of "1 Section"

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"Section 1" instead of "1 Section"

Post by sveioen »

Hello all!

I was wondering if anybody know how to change to way sections/subsections etc. are being numbered. I would like to make LaTeX format, say, "\section{Stuff}" into "Stuff 1" instead of "1 Stuff".

Thank you!

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"Section 1" instead of "1 Section"

Post by corderin »

You could have a look at the titlesec package, you are able to change the label format, but I guess with this package you won´t be able to change the order between label (2.1 for example) and title.

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"Section 1" instead of "1 Section"

Post by gmedina »

Using titlesec (as suggested by corderin) does allow to achieve the desired result. Take a look at the following example:

Code: Select all

\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate some text




\chapter{Dummy chapter}
\section{A test section}
\section{Another test section}

Remark: use with caution; this solution is highly volatile ;)
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Re: "Section 1" instead of "1 Section"

Post by sveioen »

Thank you so much for the example, gmedina. This is just what I've been looking for!
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Re: "Section 1" instead of "1 Section"

Post by corderin »

The only problem I have found with this wonderful code of gmedina are the TOC entries, I have been trying to get the same line as for the section titles using the titletoc package, but it seems a bit difficult.

Maybe gmedina can achieve solve that matter too!

With titletoc you can put some code after the TOC entry, but I have seen it puts this code just rigth after the whole entry, this is, after the page... :?
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"Section 1" instead of "1 Section"

Post by gmedina »

corderin wrote:The only problem I have found with this wonderful code of gmedina are the TOC entries, I have been trying to get the same line as for the section titles using the titletoc package, but it seems a bit difficult.

Maybe gmedina can achieve solve that matter too!...
A possible solution using titletoc:

Code: Select all

\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate some text





\chapter{Dummy chapter}
\section{A test section}
\section{Another test section}

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"Section 1" instead of "1 Section"

Post by corderin »

Gmedina I have been a time trying to solve this and I couldn´t, the result is achieved, and modifiying the last line as follows you get the separation dots between title and page in the TOC!

Code: Select all

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