I am using [allowframebreak] in frame so that beamer will split the frame into multiple slides. My problem is beamer inserts a Roman numeral I, II in the continuation slides.
Please let me know how to change this default behavior. Beamer user guide suggests this
"Beamer-Template/-Color/-Font frametitle continuation
The text of this template is inserted at the end of every title of a frame with the
allowframebreaks option set.
The following template options are predefined:
– [default] Installs a Roman number as the template. The number indicates the current
page of the frame.
– [roman] Alias for the default.
– [from second][htexti] Installs a template that inserts htexti from the second page of
a frame on. By default, the text inserted is \insertcontinuationtext, which in turn
is (cont.) by default.
The following inserts are available:
– \insertcontinuationcount inserts the current page of the frame as an arabic number.
– \insertcontinuationcountroman inserts the current page of the frame as an (uppercase)
Roman number.
– \insertcontinuationtext just inserts the text (cont.) or, possibly, a translation
thereof (like (Forts.) in German).
But I am not sure how to do this.
Can any one explain it to me how to change this default behavior. I am using Miktex on Windows platform.
Thanks in advance.
Document Classes ⇒ Beamer frame continuation text
Re: Beamer frame continuation text
According to the excerpt from the documentation, it should work if you use the "from second" option with an empty htexti argument.