I'm having a problem getting my subsection mark (thru \rightmark) to display in the footer.
Code: Select all
\fancyfoot[LE,RO]{\LFootFont \rightmark}
Above is the command I'm using, and it mostly works, i.e., the subsection # and title appear in the appropriate part of the footer for all pages EXCEPT the first page of the first subsection of each section. The subsequent pages of the first subsection have the correct footer --- it is only the 1st page that is incorrect. This problem is repeated after starting each new section. Note there are no issues (or shouldn't be as I understand them) of having multiple subsections on the same page (thus redefining the \rightmark), as a \newpage command is given immediately before each \subsection command (except for the first subsection in each section).
Am I being confusing enough? Here's an example to clarify.
Code: Select all
\section{James Blunt}
a bunch of song lyrics filling 2 pages...
\subsection{You're Beautiful}
more lyrics, only 1 page...
\section{Tom McRae}
\subsection{The Ballad of Amelia Earhart}
again, lyrics, say 1 page
\subsection{Bright Lights}
and again 2 pages of lyrics.
% etc.
For this example, the first section ``James Blunt'' will have two songs, each appearing on there own page(s). The first ``1973" will not have a footer on the first page, but the second page of lyrics will have something like ``1.1 1973'' in the footer. The next page will be a single page of lyrics and the footer will read ``1.2 You're Beautiful''.
The next section ``Tom McRae'' will also have two songs (subsections). The first titled ``The Ballad of Amelia Earhart'' will not have a footer. The next, titled ``Bright Lights'' will have the footer ``2.2 Bright Lights'' appear on BOTH pages of lyrics (as I want it to).
Is it clear now?
Any ideas on how to get the \rightmark to appear on ALL pages?