Document Classeshow to avoid extra line between section.

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how to avoid extra line between section.

Post by jemazoro »

Hi I am using the article class.
I am happy about it, expect that I need to reduce the number of page.
I will be able to gain some space if I know how to avoid the new line at this end of section and after each section name.
So far what I am doing is:

How can I automated this process.

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Re: how to avoid extra line between section.

Post by balfonsi »

See the titlesec package (customisation of sections and all that stuff). If your problem is the number of pages, you must know that line lengths in standard latex are rather short, due to \marginparwidth, and maybe you have no marginal notes. So modifying the page layout would also be an efficient way to reduce the number of pages; for such a job, use the geometry package, as many of the layout lengths are interrelated.

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