DevelopmentVS.NET 2003+ support?

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VS.NET 2003+ support?

Post by markusha »


I tried to build TeXnicCenter using Visual C++ 7.1 (VS.NET 2003) but got a bunch of errors. For example, CrysEditEx project would not compile due to C2678 and C2440 etc. errors. Other projects failed to link but I was able to overcome this by changing the project settings. Aside from these maybe the binary inclusion of BCGControlBar is the biggest hurdle in supporting other compilers.

I ask you to consider supporting VC7/8 as a compiler. The way I see it, VC6 is losing in popularity and wider compiler support could attract more developers for this fine attempt.

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Re: VS.NET 2003+ support?

Post by Sven »

The advantage of Visual C++ 6 is, that many developers own it and that one can get a cheap license... (at least I think so -- can I still buy this edition?)

I will try to build a VC 7.1 version of the BCG lib the following weekend, but I cannot promise anything here. The experiences we made some years ago updating a commercial project to VC 7 with MFC7 were very bad...
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Re: VS.NET 2003+ support?

Post by grasshopper »

The cheapest version of VC++ 6.0 Standard costs about 150€ at eBay, Professional 200€ and Visual Studio about 500€. Sounds not really cheap!? Especially if you think about the free Express Editions from MS. So support for VC++ 7.1 would be really nice :)
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VS.NET 2003+ support?

Post by Sven »

grasshopper wrote: Hi!
The cheapest version of VC++ 6.0 Standard costs about 150€ at eBay, Professional 200€ and Visual Studio about 500€. Sounds not really cheap!? Especially if you think about the free Express Editions from MS. So support for VC++ 7.1 would be really nice :)

But changing to VC++ 7.1 Express wouldn't help anything, because what's not included is the MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes). As far as I know, the MFC is still only included with the commercial version of VC++. Please correct me, if I'm wrong -- in this case I will give my best to update the codes...
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