I checked previous posts before asking this question, and I hope I didn't miss anything.
Here is the issue. My grad college wants my thesis to be NOT justified, but "left-aligned with a ragged edge on the right." I hate that, but I have to play ball. I am not sure how to tell Latex to do this. Here is my preamble:
How can I turn this left-aligned instead of left-justified? I use Texshop on Mac and Mixtex-Winedt on PC. Thank you for any and all answers.
Page Layout ⇒ Text Alignment -Ragged Right
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- Posts: 814
- Joined: Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:19 pm
Re: Text Alignment -Ragged Right
\raggedright, perhaps? Probably better to load the ragged2e package and use \RaggedRight, thought.
Joseph Wright
Joseph Wright
Joseph Wright