Text FormattingProblem with paragraph

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Problem with paragraph

Post by quasar987 »


My code is the following

Code: Select all

Code, edit and compile here:
\item Item 1
\item Item 2
Observe that I wrote "\setlength{\parskip}{4cm}" in the preamble. This, I read, would insure that I get a 4cm spacing between paragraphs. And to tell LaTeX that I want a paragraph at some place, I simple have to leave a blank line. Why then is there not a 4cm space between "Item 2" and "Text"?

Instead, I noticed that when I leave a blank line between "\textbf{Exemples}" and "\begin{enumerate}", a spacing appear between "Exemples" and "Item 1" and between "Item 2" and "Text" (and this, independantly of the existence of a blank line between "\end{enumerate}" and "Text"!). Furthermore, this spacing is as big whether I enter 1cm or 4cm in "\setlength{\parskip}{}".

What is going on?

Thank you.

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Problem with paragraph

Post by localghost »

You have chosen the wrong length for modification. The according length here is \itemsep which is - as its name says - the space between to items. Note that this length is normally set variable to enable stretching or upsetting text on a page.

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Re: Problem with paragraph

Post by quasar987 »

Perhaps I have not made it clear what I want.

I tried \itemsep and all I could get out of it is a serparation between the items in my list.

What I want is a separation between the last item in my list and the following paragraph. As it appears in the dvi file, I want a separation between "Item 2" and "Text".
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Problem with paragraph

Post by localghost »

Sorry, obviously a mistake in reading. It seems that such modifications of lengths have no effect in this document class. I only can observe a change when setting the line with the babel package as comment. There are lots of alternative document classes for producing presentations [1]. There you find some classes that let you structure your slides with less restrictions.

[1] The TeX Catalogue OnLine, Top Index - Presentation Slides
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