Hello, my university has a strange requirement for tables of contents/lists of figures. For instance, if a caption in the list of figures wraps to two lines, the page number must appear on the first line. Typically, LaTex will place the page number on the bottom most line. I have been playing with the titletoc package for some time, but I cannot fix this. Does anyone have any ideas?
Thank you,
Page Layout ⇒ Table of Contents Formatting Question
Re: Table of Contents Formatting Question
You have to recode all the \l@X internal macros where X can be say, figure. If you redefine it such that the text entry is enclosed in a \parbox{some length}[t]{...} then it might work.
When I get the time, I think I will add this to the memoir class because I have seen more people asking for it.
When I get the time, I think I will add this to the memoir class because I have seen more people asking for it.