Kileharvard bsu style

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harvard bsu style

Post by pandammonium »

I started writing a piece of work using WinEdt and MikTeX on Vista. This worked absolutely marvellously well using PDFLatex. However, I recently installed Ubuntu and Kile and attempted to build my project in Kile, to receive error status 2 from bibtex. From reading various bit and pieces on the internet, I discovered that more information is to be gained from running (pdf)latex and bibtex from the command line, so I did just that. I was informed that the dcu.bst bibliography style of the harvard bibliography family isn't installed:
bibtex wrote:I couldn't open style file dcu.bst
---line 227 of file dissertation.aux
: \bibstyle{dcu
: }
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I changed it to apsr instead, to see what happened then; bibtex ran happily and I got my references in my document.

I had used the synaptic package manager to download texlive-bibtex-extra, which purports to include the harvard package.

Is the dcu style known to be missing from this installation and is there any way of getting it? I know I could download the whole package from CTAN, but I don't want to do that because I have to put manually-installed packages in a different directory to wherever the installer puts them and I don't want it to get confused. (Also, I don't know what to put as the paths in the makefile, as specified by the installation instructions...)

I believe I have texlive2007; I haven't yet worked out how to upgrade to texlive2008, but that is another problem entirely. Also, you may have guessed by now that I have no clue whatsoever when it comes to the ways of Ubuntu, so please bear that in mind if you post a reply :?

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harvard bsu style

Post by localghost »

There is a newer version of this package called harvard-latex. You can download single files when going to "Location on CTAN".

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Re: harvard bsu style

Post by pandammonium »

Belated thanks! :D
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Re: harvard bsu style

Post by Luscinia »


I am facing the same problem with the dcu-style. Tried re-installing the whole package as well as only dcu.bst. I am using latex 2.20 and Mac OS X... Does anyone has an idea why it does not work?

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harvard bsu style

Post by pandammonium »

I confess I have not got this to work yet, either. I have learned a lot more about Latex on Ubuntu (8.10) since that first post (I am using texlive), and now I have a texmf directory set up in my home area that I put .sty files that my package managers can't download for whatever reason in. The file avm.sty is an example, and lives in ~/texmf/tex/latex/avm; this works fine.

However, if I put dcu.bst in what looks to me like the correct place (~/texmf/tex/bibtex/bst/harvard/dcu.bst), latex/bibtex doesn't twig it's there. Is this because all the other Harvard files are elsewhere (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/bibtex/bst/harvard/*.bst) (because Ubuntu installed them)?

Have I made an error in the file structure? Do I have to copy dcu.bst to the same place as all the other Harvard files? Or do I have to do something else?

If it helps, I'm using the natbib package, which works fine with all the .bst files in /usr/share/texmf-texlive/bibtex/bst/harvard/.

Edit: I have run texhash in ~/texmf/tex/ to see if it made any difference, which it doesn't. The files are there in the ls-R file that texhash output, though.

Edit: I have posted this problem in the TeXLive forum because I now think it is probably more appropriate there than it is here.
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