Text FormattingHow do I get my table to continue on the next pages

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How do I get my table to continue on the next pages

Post by SolomonRussom »

At the beginning of my LaTeX document I have the following syntax:
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images

Then at the beginning of my table which is located in the middle of the document I have the following syntax:

\subsection*{A. Microbiology and Biochemistry Input Features}

\begin{tabular}{ |p{0.5cm}|p{3cm}|p{5.5cm}|p{3cm}| }
\multicolumn{4}{|c|}{Microbiology and Biochemistry Input Features} \\
No.& Microbiology and Biochemistry Input Features&Description&Normal Measure Range\\

However, my table is not spanning into multiple pages. Please see the attached screen shot of the outcome of the syntax. My list goes from 1 to 30 and I really want to continue my table to the next pages with the same heading. Thank you for your help.
Table Format.pdf
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Re: How do I get my table to continue on the next pages

Post by Bartman »

A full Infominimal working example with marked code is more appreciated.

It is not enough to just load the longtable package. Please read the package manual.

In the attached pdf file it looks as if the table is too wide and extends beyond the right margin. In this case, you should have a look at the xltabular package and consider reducing the font size.

In addition, given the small column width it would probably be advisable to replace the justified text in the second to last column by a left-aligned one.

Does the section numbering indicate an appendix?
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