Page Layoutline synchronization in reledpar

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line synchronization in reledpar

Post by acbm »


I'm using reledmac and reledpar to typeset a Syriac poem with critical apparatus and a translation on facing pages. The poem is 105 lines, and the Syriac lines are all just one line long, while the English lines sometimes reach to two lines. I would like the lines on facing pages to match exactly – that is, the lines in Syriac on the left page should be the same as the English lines on the right – but no matter what I do, they don't agree. It's not a stanzaic poem, so I just have one \astanza group, but even if I divide it into several \astanza groups, that doesn't help. Changing \setgoalfraction has not helped, either. The attached MWE includes the first 35 lines, which demonstrates the problem(s).

Very many thanks for any suggestions,

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