General[solved] unable to use \pdfcomment on text imported from an external file (\input)

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[solved] unable to use \pdfcomment on text imported from an external file (\input)

Post by cypherpunks »

Here is a minimal example:

Code: Select all



yada yada

\pdfcomment{This is a PDF annotation -- works as expected.}

\pdfcomment{\input{some_text.txt}} % the PDF comment is literally the text “some_text.txt”

yada yada
It compiles fine but the result is that the name of the external text file is itself used as the text of the annotation. I also have the solution in case anyone needs this:

Code: Select all




yada yada

That’s not my code. It came from someone more advanced than me -- and should probably be added to the pdfcomment package.

(edit) Just discovered a limitation: If the source text contains \textLF, then it is seen as an undefined control sequence. So in input files need to filter through sed code:

Code: Select all

/^$/{N; s/\n/\\noexpand\\textLF /gi;}

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