Text FormattingInline code in itemize environment

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Inline code in itemize environment

Post by sierra1bravo »

Dear all
I wish everyone a productive 2009!

I am a new user of the Beamer class, and I have a small problem. In a bulleted list (using \begin{itemize}) I would like to have some in-line code (actually some XML snippets). I tried

Code: Select all

\item ...
\item For example, \verb#ACTION VIEW content://contacts/1# or \verb#ACTION\_DIAL tel:9447027274#
However, I get the error "Illegal parameter number in definition of \test.". What is the recommended way to quote code in-line?

thanks in advance


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Inline code in itemize environment

Post by localghost »

I'm not sure if this an issue of the code you provided here. It works fine with other document classes. The best way to clarify this would be to build a minimal working example (MWE) that reproduces the error. But there are some alternatives.

Since you don't want any LaTeX related commands to be typeset, you could use \texttt{...} instead of \verb|...|. A more comfortable solution is given with the listings package. It allows to typeset complete listings as well as some in-line code snippets.

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Re: Inline code in itemize environment

Post by josephwright »

You need to use the [fragile] modifier for frames when using anything verbatim.
Joseph Wright
Joseph Wright
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