BibTeX, biblatex and biberQuestion: How to configure texstudio so it can finally detect a bib file in a folder which is not a root folder?

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Question: How to configure texstudio so it can finally detect a bib file in a folder which is not a root folder?

Post by gjoe »

Hello everyone,
I came from overleaf, I did export my project from there to miktext+texstudio (I did have texwork editor before, hopefully this isnt related with this problem)

Everything was working fine in overleaf, but had some issues making the transicion, the svg package wasnt being recognize mainly to path enviroment of Inkscape and the option --shell scape, now I am trying to figure it out why my bibliography file isnt being recognize.

The important code is the following:

\usepackage[style=apa,backend=biber]{biblatex} %Paquete apa
\addbibresource{ASSETS_OTROS/referencias12-08.bib} %Database referencias bibliograficas
\section{Referencias Bibliográficas}
Mas ejemplos pero con otro archivo \autocite{juComparisonBuildingAnalyses1999}
\nocite{*} % Fuerza la inclusión de todas las entradas en el archivo .bib

A sample of bib file:

title = {Proper Configuration of Stiffness and Strength Centers in Asymmetric Single-Story Structures with Semi-Flexible Diaphragms},
author = {Eivani, Hamed and {Tena-Colunga}, Arturo and Moghadam, Abdolreza S.},
year = {2022},
month = jun,
journal = {Structures},
volume = {40},
pages = {149--162},
issn = {23520124},
doi = {10.1016/j.istruc.2022.04.022},
urldate = {2024-07-25},
abstract = {},
langid = {english},
file = {D:\BASE DE DATOS\Zotero\storage\4LHXX23J\Eivani et al. - 2022 - Proper configuration of stiffness and strength cen.pdf}

And the following errors from my compiler (which is pdflatex the same I use in overleaf )

PLAN DE TESIS.tex: advertencia: : No file "PLAN DE TESIS".bbl.
Ref_Bibliograficas.tex: advertencia: 2: Citation 'juComparisonBuildingAnalyses1999' on page 11 undefined
Ref_Bibliograficas.tex: advertencia: 4: Empty bibliography
PLAN DE TESIS.tex: advertencia: : There were undefined references.

I attach proof that I already have a bib file in the correct path and my compiler cant see it, also there is another pic containing executable path of texstudio

Question: How to configure texstudio so it can finally detect a bib file in a folder which is not a root folder?
texstudio.png (177.01 KiB) Viewed 2665 times
bib_file.png (39.64 KiB) Viewed 2665 times

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