I am looking for a way to automatically create a list of specific theorem environments, like for example a list of all definitions in the document, and found this code in a conversation from tex.stackexchange (https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions ... vironments) from 12 years ago:
Code: Select all
\hbox{\bfseries\chaptername\ #1}\nobreak
\renewcommand{\thmtformatoptarg}[1]{ -- #1}
\renewcommand{\listtheoremname}{List of definitions}
\begin{defn}[My hilarious definition]
bla bla
\begin{defn}[My hilarious definition 2]
bla bla
Another thing I don't get right is the from "egreg" proposed costumization of creating the output "Definition X.X -- Name" instead of "X.X Definition -- Name".
I'm just not able to understand this complicated code and it would be really nice, if someone could help me get it right

Thanks in advance