I need to format a book with 2 constraints:
1) the external format, like 135x215 (in mm)
2) the internal format, like the 'golden mean' margin (based on the Fibonacci series), which is a classical for "beautiful book" (from a time when the beautiful was more important than the cost)
The golden mean margins for this external format are supposed to be (in LaTeX format)
inner=14.111mm, outer=33.866mm, top=23.989mm, bottom=47.977mm
If I test the following code in my LateX document:
Code: Select all
\usepackage[paperwidth=135mm, paperheight=215mm]{geometry}
\usepackage[inner=14.111mm, outer=33.866mm, top=23.989mm, bottom=47.977mm]{geometry}
Code: Select all
Cogito.tex: erreur: 13: Option clash for package geometry. \usepackage
How can I have a book of 135mmx215mm with internal Golen Mean margins?