BibTeX, biblatex and biberLaTeX (in Overleaf) duplicates the references' titles in the bibliography entries.

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LaTeX (in Overleaf) duplicates the references' titles in the bibliography entries.

Post by luismbouton »

Hello all.

I have found that the article's class (@article) duplicates the field 'title' as shown in the image. The field 'author' isn't working correctly either but I've consulted the official website and it's written appropriately. I think the format is correct but maybe I'm doing something wrong that I haven't noticed.

The corresponding code is:

Code: Select all

	author = {Mitridis, Dimitrios and Kapsalis, Stavros and Terzis, Dimitrios and Panagiotou, Pericles},
	journal = {Aerospace},
	number = {4},
	pages = {382},
	volume = {10},
    title = {An Evaluation of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Trends and Correlations with Respect to NATO Classification, Region, EIS Date and Operational Specifications},
	year = {2023}
I would appreciate some help, please. Thanks in advance.
Error in bibliography
Error in bibliography
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Stefan Kottwitz
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LaTeX (in Overleaf) duplicates the references' titles in the bibliography entries.

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


welcome to the forum!

This doesn't happen in my documents. Perhaps post a small code example (Infominimal working example) that gives this issue in the output, based on a shortened copy of your document.

Stefan admin
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