Text FormattingOverlapping The journal name and The cor writer

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Overlapping The journal name and The cor writer

Post by denghong »

After I added a line of code to LaTeX to insert line numbers, the corresponding author and the journal name overlapped. How can I resolve this issue? Thanks.

Code: Select all

% \PassOptionsToPackage{draft}{graphicx}
\documentclass[preprint,12pt,number, sort&compress, fleqn]{elsarticle}
%\documentclass [preprint, 12pt, number, sort&compress, fleqn] {elsarticle}
\usepackage {graphicx}


%\usepackage {graphics}
\usepackage {amsmath}
\usepackage [colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue]{hyperref}
\usepackage {placeins}
%\usepackage {subfigure}
\usepackage {amsfonts}

% \usepackage[ruled,vlined]{algorithm2e}
\journal{Journal Name}
\begin {document}

\renewcommand {\tableautorefname}{Tab.}
\begin {frontmatter}
\title {title}
\author [SYSU] {Feong}

\author [SYSU] {Liang\corref{CA}}
\cortext [CA] {Corresponding author}
\ead {eduemail}

\affiliation[SYSU]{organization={School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Sun Yat-Sen University},%Department and Organization
	addressline={No.66, Gongchang Road, Guangming District}, 


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