Graphics, Figures & Tables ⇒ How do I include graphics on DVI LaTeX?
How do I include graphics on DVI LaTeX?
I've got \usepackage[dvipdfmX]{graphicx} \usepackage{bmpsize} \graphicspath{{./Images/}} in my preamble and \includegraphics{picture.jpg} where I want my image but it's not working. Does anyone know why? Thanks!
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- Joined: Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:15 pm
How do I include graphics on DVI LaTeX?
Thank you for the post. Without a minimal working example, this can be hard to diagnose. My guess is that you have the wrong path name for where your figure is. Make sure the figure is in the same location as your tex file.
For example, if I have a tex file under my documents folder and so is my image, the code would look similar to this:
On a third party site, Overleaf there is some helpful information.
Hopefully this helps.
For example, if I have a tex file under my documents folder and so is my image, the code would look similar to this:
Code: Select all
On a third party site, Overleaf there is some helpful information.
Hopefully this helps.