Document ClassesOne chapter (of 13) is not included in Book class, table of contents

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One chapter (of 13) is not included in Book class, table of contents

Post by bgreen »

I have created a document that has 13 chapters. The Table of Contents list 12 of the 13 chapters (maximum number of sections is 7), but not the final chapter.

One possibility is that Chapter 13 (with 3 sections) would carry over to the second page and as a result is not listed. If this is the problem can I compress the table of contents to one page or include text on the second currently blank page?
Another possibility is that chapter 13, which mostly consists of references formatted as a list (rather than in bibliographic database format) is an issue.

The preamble follows. After reading other posts I added the setcounter commands, but this made no difference.

Code: Select all

The references look like this:

Code: Select all

\begin {itemize}
 \item  Adler, Ken (2010). Telephone interview. December 22. 
 \item  Anderson, Ian (2008). E-mail correspondence. October 15. 
 \item Anderson, Ian (2013). E-mail correspondence. September 15.
 \item Anderson, Ian (2015). E-mail correspondence. December 20.
Any advice is appreciated.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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One chapter (of 13) is not included in Book class, table of contents

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Do you have an \end{document} command at the end of chapter 12? You had them in that topic, so you probably forgot to remove one.

Apart from this, do you have a \chapter command for chapter 13? Do you have an \includeonly command in the preamble? Does chapter 13 appear in the PDF together with the heading?

Can you post the .toc file here and the .log file as an attachment?

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One chapter (of 13) is not included in Book class, table of contents

Post by bgreen »

Hello Stefan,

Many thanks again. The problem was an ' \end document' command at the end of Chapter 13 (which had compiled ok).


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