Is it possible to produce a hat symbol for a capital letter, between
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$\hat{M}$ and $\widehat{M}
Thank you.
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$\hat{M}$ and $\widehat{M}
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\newlength\hwhatcwidth% half wide hat's contents width
\newlength\hwhatuwidth% half wide hat's contents width with contents upright
\addtolength\hwhatuwidth{-\hwhatcwidth}% now difference between upright/real
% since the real width is usually wider for standard math italics font, this will be negative
\makebox[0pt][l]{% overprint its contents with what follows after its closing brace
\kern\dimexpr0.25\hwhatcwidth-0.667\hwhatuwidth\relax% left offset for shortened \widehat
\ensuremath{\widehat{\vphantom{#1}\rule{0.5\hwhatcwidth}{0pt}}}% put a \widehat over nothing
% this `nothing' is as high as the string to be put underneath (\vphantom{#1), but only half as wide
}#1% overprint \makebox with given string
$\hat{M}$ and $\widehat{M}$
perhaps\ $\halfwidehat{M}$
on strings wider than 3 characters, otherwise parts of the string will drop out of the hat Code: Select all
\usepackage{lmodern} %don't know if it is necessary
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\wh{} instead of \hat{} or \widehar{}
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