GeneralKeyboard short cuts for common commands...

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Keyboard short cuts for common commands...

Post by jgassens »

Is there a way to add keyboard shortcuts ala *office?

I.e. If I wanted to bold something I could highlight the text and press ALT+B? Or superscript -- which would be way more sweet would just insert $^{crapthatIhighlighted}$ for me if I did ALT+Shift+=?


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Re: Keyboard short cuts for common commands...

Post by mas »

This falls in the domain of editors. Your editor of choice might already have such a facility or provide you a way to do it.


OS: Debian/GNU Linux; LaTeX System : TeXLive; Editor : Vim
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Re: Keyboard short cuts for common commands...

Post by jgassens »

Well, true. I assumed that is was understood that my editor is TeXnicCenter. Unless I'm not understanding something....
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Re: Keyboard short cuts for common commands...

Post by barcense »

You can add keyboard shortcuts for all the menu items under menu->tools->customize->Keyboard

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Keyboard short cuts for common commands...

Post by jgassens »

Thanks! Now, is there anyway to edit those? I.E. if I want to do superscript in text mode I need $^{stuff}$ but the macros listed that do superscript only do it in math mode.

If I could edit them to insert the requisite $ that would be neat, too.
barcense wrote:You can add keyboard shortcuts for all the menu items under menu->tools->customize->Keyboard

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Keyboard short cuts for common commands...

Post by barcense »

the only i know you can do is to define your own text by menu->insert->Own TextModules-> Manage TextModules,
you must asign a names as AAA that let it be the first in the list. Then you can assign it a keyboard short cut assigning it to Own TextModules . Unfortunately you only can assign a shortcut to the first itrm in the list and this will block the Manage TextModules command.

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Keyboard short cuts for common commands...

Post by jgassens »

It seems kinda strange that you can't add shortcuts to custom TextModules. :?:
barcense wrote:the only i know you can do is to define your own text by menu->insert->Own TextModules-> Manage TextModules,
you must asign a names as AAA that let it be the first in the list. Then you can assign it a keyboard short cut assigning it to Own TextModules . Unfortunately you only can assign a shortcut to the first itrm in the list and this will block the Manage TextModules command.

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