Page LayoutMisalignment of page number in table of contetns in case of path

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Misalignment of page number in table of contetns in case of path

Post by Pak »

Good evening everyone!
I have a problem with TableOfContents, specifically I have the names of my subsections that are path are therefore characterized by the presence of the characters "/" and "_". My goal is to break the line at "/" in both the subsection titles and TableOfContents.
I attach below what I have managed to do so far and the output I have.
You can notice how apparently the line-breaking logic is inconsistent and how the page numbers associated with the subsection are not aligned in column.
I thank you in advance for your helpfulness


left= 4.5 em,
right= 4.5em,


\usepackage{hyperref} %[hidelinks]






Cattura.PNG (22.17 KiB) Viewed 4090 times

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