Text FormattingFull argument list for Sectioning Commands

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Full argument list for Sectioning Commands

Post by Salerdam »

I would like to know the full argument list for the Latex Sectioning Commands

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Full argument list for Sectioning Commands

Post by rais »

You may wish to get yourself some basic introduction about LaTeX, be it in book form or online...
Having said that, each of those sectioning commands understand the same set of arguments. As a stand-in, I'm using \chapter here:
\chapter<*|[m]>{t}, where the stuff between <> is optional (ordinarily, I'd use brackets for that, but then, brackets may be used for the command already). That basically leads to 3 different calls:
In each case, {t} denotes the title to be displayed in the text (the sectioning title).
If [m] is given, it will be taken for the TOC entry, as well as for the header, if said header is filled with a sectioning title of that sectioning level.
If * is given, TOC/header entries are suppressed.
If neither [m] nor * is given, {t} is taken for TOC/header, as well.
Since \chapter*[[i]m[/i]]{[i]t[/i]} wouldn't make much sense (defining a moving argument [m] and suppressing it with * at the same call) I didn't put it in the list above.

If you're using a class that differs from the standard classes (book, report, article), you may have to have a look at the documentation for that class, too.

And of course, article classes don't (usually) provide a \chapter command...

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Full argument list for Sectioning Commands

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Additionally, here's a short reference: Sectioning.

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Full argument list for Sectioning Commands

Post by JudyHills »

I am new here, and I have some questions, should I ask them here?
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Full argument list for Sectioning Commands

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Judy,

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