GeneralUsing string values with l3keys

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Using string values with l3keys

Post by Salerdam »

I am having trouble using string values when using l3keys. I can only get things to work using a token list followed by expansion. I find no problem using the code for the int case though.

Code: Select all



\str_new:N \cake_lp
\keys_define:nn { cake_keys }
    lp .str_set:N = \cake_lp,
    lp .default:n = {apple},
    lp .initial:n = {apple},

\NewDocumentCommand {\cake} { O{apple} }
    \str_case:nn {#1}
        {apple}  { An~apple~cake }
        {carrot}  { A~carrot~cake}

\NewDocumentCommand {\goodie} { O{} }
    \keys_set:nn {cake_keys} {#1}
    \cake [\str_use:N \cake_lp]





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