Graphics, Figures & TablesAvoid vertical and hrizontal intersect in a table

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Avoid vertical and hrizontal intersect in a table

Post by Gho57bu57er »

Hey! :D
I'm currently in the process of composing my master's thesis and striving to achieve a consistent formatting for all the tables. Is there a method to prevent the vertical lines from intersecting with the horizontal lines?

The appearance of my tables is somewhat similar to this:

Code: Select all



  cells = {c},
  vline{2} = {-}{},
  hline{1-2,5} = {-}{},
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text \\
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text \\
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text \\
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text 

I've already made attempts to manipulate the `abovepos` and `belowpos` parameters.

Code: Select all



  cells = {c},
  vline{2} = {-}{abovepos = -1, belowpos = -1},
  hline{1-2,5} = {-}{},
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text \\
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text \\
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text \\
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text 

However, this approach leads to the creation of gaps in places where horizontal lines are absent as well. Is there a way to eliminate these gaps?



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Avoid vertical and hrizontal intersect in a table

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

I'm not sure why you would want it this way, but...the booktabs package actually does this as an unintended side-effect.
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