I'm currently in the process of composing my master's thesis and striving to achieve a consistent formatting for all the tables. Is there a method to prevent the vertical lines from intersecting with the horizontal lines?
The appearance of my tables is somewhat similar to this:
Code: Select all
cells = {c},
vline{2} = {-}{},
hline{1-2,5} = {-}{},
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text \\
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text \\
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text \\
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text
Code: Select all
cells = {c},
vline{2} = {-}{abovepos = -1, belowpos = -1},
hline{1-2,5} = {-}{},
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text \\
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text \\
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text \\
Text & Text & Text & Text & Text