Document ClassesCollision of dinbrief.cls and color package?

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Collision of dinbrief.cls and color package?

Post by mb2 »

To whom it may concern:
I am compiling LaTeX files on a new computer using latest release of MikTeX and TeXstudio. The computer was newly set up maybe four weeks ago. The files that I am using were compiled free of error on my previous computer. A viewable .pdf-output is created, yet owing to errors incurred the previewer does not start automatically.

I am getting the following error, or similar, several times:

! Undefined control sequence.
\set@color ...\@pdfcolorstack push{\current@color
}\aftergroup \reset@color
\@outputpage ...t {\vfil \color@hbox \normalcolor
\hb@xt@ \textwidth {\@theh...

\@opcol ...te@singlecol@structures@@ \@outputpage
\fi \global \@mparbottom \...
<output> ...specialoutput \else \@makecol \@opcol
\@startcolumn \@whilesw \i...

\@getpen ...edpenalty \or \@highpenalty \else \@M
\@no@pgbk ...2]->\ifvmode \penalty #1\@getpen {#2}
\else \@bsphack \vadjust {...
<to be read again>
\endletter ...stopletter \@@par \pagebreak \@@par
\gdef \@yourmail {} \gdef ...

\end ...ook {env/#1/end}}\csname end#1\endcsname
\@checkend {#1}\expandafte...
l.241 \end{letter}

The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

Reading articles on cases probably related, I believe, without jumping to conclusions, the dinbrief.cls and the color package are colliding somehow, in particular the class:

Document Class/Style 'dinbrief' - Version 1.73
University of Karlsruhe - 2000/03/02 12:49:21

*** dinbrief: Running in LaTeX 2e mode!
*** dinbrief: NFSS 2!
Document Class: dinbrief 2000/03/02 LaTeX2e class

and the package:

(C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\tex/latex/graphics\color.sty
Package: color 2022/01/06 v1.3d Standard LaTeX Color (DPC).

Would you please advise on how the remedy the problem?
Thank you very much in advance.

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LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Collision of dinbrief.cls and color package?

Post by GeorgeBallinger »

Update Packages: Make sure that your MikTeX distribution and TeXstudio are up to date. Sometimes, package conflicts can be resolved by updating packages to their latest versions.

Package Order: Change the order in which packages are loaded. Sometimes, changing the order in which packages are loaded can resolve conflicts. You can do this by altering the order of package inclusion in your LaTeX document's preamble.

For example, if you currently have:

Copy code

Code: Select all

Try reversing the order:

Copy code

Code: Select all

Package Options: Check if there are any options you can pass to either the dinbrief class or the color package that might resolve the conflict. Review the documentation for both packages to see if there are any options mentioned for handling conflicts.

Switch to xcolor: Consider using the xcolor package instead of the color package. xcolor is an extended version of the color package and may have better compatibility with other packages and classes.

Copy code

Code: Select all

Check for Class Updates: Sometimes, the class file itself (in this case, dinbrief) may be outdated or incompatible with newer packages. Check if there is a more recent version of the dinbrief class available or if there are any patches or updates provided by the package maintainers.
Posts: 12
Joined: Sat Jun 04, 2016 2:20 pm

Collision of dinbrief.cls and color package?

Post by mb2 »

To whom it may concern:
Thank you very much for this, George Ballinger. After several attempts my feedback is as follows:

TeXstudio update:
Updated TeXstudio to version 4.6.3. No change.

Package update:
I checked updates using the MikTeX console: No updates were offered for dinbrief.cls or the color package; a few others were, which I executed. No change in run-time behaviour.

Package ordering:
The error occurs independently of the ordering of the packages: I tried immediately after the documentclass command, at the end, two locations in the middle.

Package change:
I switched to the xcolor package, yet the same error occured.

! Undefined control sequence.
\set@color ...\@pdfcolorstack push{\current@color
}\aftergroup \reset@color
\@outputpage ...t {\vfil \color@hbox \normalcolor
\hb@xt@ \textwidth {\@theh...

\@opcol ...te@singlecol@structures@@ \@outputpage
\fi \global \@mparbottom \...
<output> ...specialoutput \else \@makecol \@opcol
\@startcolumn \@whilesw \i...

\@getpen ...edpenalty \or \@highpenalty \else \@M
\@no@pgbk ...2]->\ifvmode \penalty #1\@getpen {#2}
\else \@bsphack \vadjust {...
<to be read again>
\endletter ...stopletter \@@par \pagebreak \@@par
\gdef \@yourmail {} \gdef ...

\end ...ook {env/#1/end}}\csname end#1\endcsname
\@checkend {#1}\expandafte...
l.241 \end{letter}

The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

Class update:
I am checking with the maintainer Richard Gussmann, but have not had a reply.

What is your thinking on this basis?

Is my initial hypothesis wrong or is the the related to ... ment-class?

Looking forward to hearing from you and other TeXperts!
Cheers, mb2
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