This is the look I'm trying to achieve:
I've been playing around with settings below, the below is just my current state of experimentation. This is NOT the answer but a sample of the frustration of playing around with all the settings to try to achieve the image

Any help would be appreciated!:
Code: Select all
\setlist[enumerate,1]{label=\arabic*., after=\vspace{\baselineskip}, itemindent=0in, listparindent=\leftmargin}leftmargin=\dimexpr0.25in+\labelwidth+\labelsep\relax, listparindent=\dimexpr0.25in\relax]
\setlist[enumerate,2]{label=\alph*., after=\vspace{0pt}, itemindent=.25in, listparindent=\leftmargin}
\setlist[enumerate,3]{label=(\arabic*), after=\vspace{0pt}, itemindent=0.5in, listparindent=\leftmargin}
Code: Select all
\setlist[enumerate,1]{label=\arabic*., after=\vspace{\baselineskip}, itemindent=0in, listparindent=\leftmargin}leftmargin=\dimexpr0.25in+\labelwidth+\labelsep\relax, listparindent=\dimexpr0.25in\relax]
\setlist[enumerate,2]{label=\alph*., after=\vspace{0pt}, itemindent=.25in, listparindent=\leftmargin}
\setlist[enumerate,3]{label=(\arabic*), after=\vspace{0pt}, itemindent=0.5in, listparindent=\leftmargin}
\setlrmarginsandblock{0.5in}{1in}{*} % Left and right margins
\setulmarginsandblock{0.88in}{1in}{*} % Top and bottom margins
\item First level item that is indented on the first line. This is a long description that spills over into multiple lines. Here is the second line of the description. And here is the third line of the description.
\item Second level item that is indented on the first line. This is a long description that spills over into multiple lines. Here is the second line of the description. And here is the third line of the description.
\item Third level item that is indented on the first line. This is a long description that spills over into multiple lines. Here is the second line of the description. And here is the third line of the description.